
How much sugar is in  Energy drink?
There is less than 1/2 calorie of sugar in  Energy Drink. This qualifies for the government-approved statement "No Sugar". The 8 calories in  are from amino acids and are protein calories that aid your body’s natural metabolic process. Most 8 ounce energy drinks in the market today have over 100 calories from 27-30 grams of sugar, which is a simple carbohydrate. Most 12-ounce non-diet soft drinks have 170 calories from 40 grams of sugar. Most 5.5-ounce juice drinks have 80 calories from 20 grams of sugar.

Why is it important to not have sugar or carbohydrate calories in any drink?
Calories from sugar and carbohydrates may increase fat deposits. Simple carbohydrates are also called high glycemic (high sugar) foods. High-glycemic foods cause your body to pump insulin to digest the sugar, which sends a message to your body to store calories as fat. Low glycemic foods do not pump insulin to the same degree and aid in your body’s natural metabolism of fat, using your body’s fat resources as fuel. Many experts fear that the epidemic incidence of Diabetes in North America today may be significantly contributed to by high-glycemic diets. The 8 calories in  are from amino acids and are protein calories that aid your body’s natural metabolic process.

How does  taste so good without sugar, carbs and so few calories? Aren’t there fruit juices in the drink?

drinks do use a proprietary blend of Sucralose, Acesulfame Potassium (Ace K) and fruit essences to give the drinks their great flavor without sugar or empty calories. In fact the 8 calories in the drink come from the 2 grams of amino acids, which are protein calories.

Is  safe for diabetics?

drinks are exactly what diabetics have been looking for. With zero sugar, diabetics can safely enjoy great taste with great benefits and the extra boost of energy they need.


Is there caffeine in  Energy Drinks?
Yes, there are 83 milligrams of caffeine in a can of  Energy drink. This is about the same amount of caffeine as in a normal cup of coffee and most soft drinks. If you are caffeine-sensitive, none of these caffeine-containing drinks may be for you.

Doesn't caffeine make you jittery?

Everyone's body reacts differently to different foods. In most cases, it is not caffeine that makes people "jittery". It is usually the "sugar high" that makes people "jittery". When they "crash" after a sugar high, some people think the solution is another "sugar high" that starts another up-down-up-down cycle that can be very unhealthy both short term and long term.

Why is caffeine in the drinks?

The drinks are ENERGY drinks and in order to deliver energy without loads of calories from sugar, you have to find a way to quickly deliver B-vitamins and amino acids. Caffeine is a great way to enhance performance as well as open the blood vessels so that vitamins and amino acids can quickly enter the bloodstream and give you a boost without the sugar highs and crashes.

Are there any other benefits to caffeine?

Caffeine is credited with increasing the substance, seratonin, in the neural connections (synapses) in the brain. This increase in seratonin is credited with increasing concentration and focus. It is also credited with elevating one's mood.  Ritalin is a commonly used drug with ADD and ADDH patients. A major component of Ritalin is caffeine. That caffeine is credited with calming down these patients and increasing the amount of time they can focus on the topic at hand.

Isn't caffeine on the "Banned Substances" list used by the Olympics and NCAA college athletics?

This is an important question. Many athletic organizer have heard rumors, but don't know the whole truth. Caffeine is NOT BANNED. It is listed on the "Banned Substances" list with an asterisk next to it that clarifies that it is only banned in high doses that would most likely have to be injected. To exceed these banned levels, an athlete would have to drink 12 cans of  Energy Drink in a 75 minute time period. Caffeine is actually credited with being a performance enhancer and mood elevator. Because of these positive attributes, the "Banned Substances' list prohibits massive doses that are out of the realm of reasonable consumption. To think that caffeine is totally banned from athletics would ignore the reality that most athletes do not totally prohibit coffee or soft drinks from their diet. The quantity banned is when caffeine concentrations in urine exceed 15 micrograms/ml. If a person consumes a drink with 100 mg of caffeine and their urine is tested 75 minutes later (the standard), their urine will show 1.5 micrograms/ml = 1/10 the limit. In other words, a person would have to consume 12 cans of  (@ 83 mg/can) to go over the "Banned Substances" allowed limit. Many coaches are excited to find out that athletes can ingest caffeine in modest amounts, as long as they don't over do it. For comparison sake, a typical cup of coffee contains anywhere from 40mg to 150mg of caffeine per cup. Some have higher amounts approaching 210mg. WEBSITE:

Adaptogenic Herbs

What are Adaptogenic Herbs?
Adaptogenic herbs aid the body in managing stress. When your body stresses it pumps cortisol. Cortisol in the blood stream sends a message to your body that you need foods high in fat and sugar, also known as ‘comfort foods.’ Studies show that adaptogenic herbs suppress the production of cortisol and decrease the cravings some people have for comfort foods. Also, athletes will find that the speed of their recovery times increases after workouts using adaptogenic herbs, such as the blend found in  Energy Drinks. The blend of herbs in  Energy Drinks is very similar to the blend used by Russian Olympic Athletes to overcome stress from their workouts and radically reduce recovery times.

Are  Energy Drinks safe for children and pregnant mothers?

Energy Drinks are generally as safe as a cola drink or cup of tea or coffee. In fact, due to the lack of sugar many health professionals recommend  as a much better ‘treat’ for most children than sodas or even juices. Due to the herb content and Vitamin-B complex, drinking  Energy Drinks will offer many of the same benefits as drinking Green Tea – very beneficial for managing stress and as an antioxidant. If parents ever question whether their children should drink any drink it is suggested that they consider diluting the drink with water. Pregnant women are not encouraged to use any drink containing herbs. There are many unknowns about herbs and their long-term effects on a developing fetus. Until more is known about herbs, many health professionals recommend staying away from them while pregnant to be on the safe side.

Will the energy effects be decreased if taken daily?

No. In fact, it has been found that people respond positively to long-term use, particularly with regard to the herbs. Ginseng and other herbs require at least six to eight weeks of use for a significant bioactive result.

Isn't Ginseng on the "Banned Substances" list used by the Olympics and NCAA college athletics?

Many coaches in and out of the NCAA have rejected ginseng because it is supposedly on the "Banned Substances" list for the NCAA and the Olympics. Please refer to the web address below for a list of “Banned Substances” and notice that ginseng is not on the list. There is not enough ginseng to cause concern ( has an adaptogenic blend of herbs that work in a cocktail, but each herb by itself is less than 10% of an effective dosage). WEBSITE:

Is it possible to overdose on B vitamins?

No. B vitamins are part of the group called "water soluble" vitamins. Excessive amounts of "water soluble" vitamins are merely excreted through the urine.

"Fat soluble" vitamins can be retained in the body and cause overdose damage. The four vitamins considered to be" fat soluble" are: A, D, E and K.

Coloring Dyes

Why are coloring dyes used in  drinks?
This is an important question, because there has been a lot of press about some chemicals that are dangerous and have been used in the past to add color to food. None of those dangerous chemicals are used in  . It is important not to confuse safe, everyday dyes used in countless food products with entirely different products that were also used to color food products. This is analogous to believing that all wall paints should be avoided because some wall paints in the past contained the dangerous chemical, lead.  uses two very safe, very popular and frequently used food colorings. The two food colors are: Yellow #5 (2mg or 8 parts per million) in the Citrus and Red #40 (2.5mg or 10 parts per million) in the Cranberry to supplement the natural colors. Extensive scientific studies have never discovered any negative side effects from these dyes at these extremely low amounts. They are VERY safe. The reason  contains these dyes is the same reason it contains flavorings. It's great to take vitamins and adaptogenic herbs for your body, it's just hard to get people to take pills or eat all they things they need to in order to get it. We put all the good stuff in a form that appeals to most people in regard to taste, appearance and convenience. All this being said,  Drink is not for everyone. If people are hyper-sensitive to dyes or caffeine or flavorings or aluminum cans or artificial sweeteners or carbonation or whatever else  may contain that they don't like, they should use some of the other great drinks we have available. Call us for more information on our additional sports beverages.

Has the water used in  Energy Drink been filtered?

Yes, the water has been both purified and filtered prior to being carbonated.

Is  Energy Drink safe to drink daily?

Yes. If you consume soft drinks or coffee daily, then  shouldn't be much different.

Will the energy effects be decreased if taken daily?

No. In fact, we find that people respond positively to long-term use, particularly with regard to the herbs. Ginseng and other herbs require at least six to eight weeks of use for a significant bioactive result.

What, if any are the long-term side affects of regular consumption of  Energy drink?

Caffeine may result in increased concentration and co-ordination. New studies are showing a lower incidence of dementia and Alzheimer’s in people who have moderate to high caffeine use on a daily, long-term basis.

Does this drink have addictive qualities/properties?

Only in as much as caffeine use can be construed to be addictive.

What, if any, is the intended use for athletes?

Caffeine can cause increased performance in an athlete and that is why the Canadian Centre lists caffeine (at certain levels) as a banned substance for elite athletes for Ethics in Sport. Please review their web site at for more information. Athletes at these high levels should always know the restricted and banned substances related to their sport and to the International sports world, and should always make the decision themselves should they choose to take a product. The final decision is always in the hands of the athlete.

Is  drink safe for kids and if no why?

Better Life Institute (BLI) is suggesting that it is better for kids than colas or other caffeinated sodas because it does not have the sugar or calories. The only issue is whether or not parents want their kids drinking caffeine. If a parent or guardian does not allow their child to drink soft drinks or coffee then they may want to dilute or prohibit  Energy Drink.

Should those with high blood pressure consume this drink?

I think the issue is hypertension.  Anyone who is caffeine sensitive or has been told by a doctor to not use caffeine, should not use this drink.

Should those with hypoglycemia use this drink?

There is no real sugar in the drink. Anyone with a medical condition should always consult with his or her physician. Many diabetics enjoy  Energy Drink after they have discussed the use with their doctor.

What, if any, is the difference between the caffeine in Guarana and the caffeine in coffee?

Caffeine is caffeine. Guarana is one source and coffee is another. The caffeine is no different from one source to the other. In its purest form it is called 1,3 dimethylzanthine.  in the USA contains pure caffeine. We added Guarana because of taste. Had we used coffee, the taste would be significantly different, as you can well imagine.

Who is the target population for  drink?

People who need energy but don’t want the calories and carbohydrates of traditional energy drinks or sodas.

What is the role of  Energy drink in the typical diet?

As an additional source of energy throughout the day and as a nice treat.  Energy Drink is also a good addition to any weight management program as it helps reduce appetite (a natural benefit of caffeine).

What are the three sources of Ginseng?

Panax Ginseng = Panax Ginseng
Panax Quinquefolium = American Ginseng
Eleutheroccus senticosus = Siberian Ginseng